The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
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Northeast Georgia Locally Grown: Locally Grown - Availability for March 25 , 2015
Hey Local Food Lovers,
Well it’s getting to be that time of year, where each week is a little more exciting than the week before due to new items coming back onto the market.
Before I get into some of the great products this week, I want to mention some of the new features to Locally Grown you’ll probably notice us rolling out over the coming months. Hopefully most or all of you received a new e-mail reminder on Friday letting you know that the market is open. You may have noticed that the e-mail design, as well as all the great photos of farmers, products, and links to calendar events like our Farm Tour all look REALLY GOOD! Big thanks to Andrew Linker, our Gainesville Market Manager for the incredible work he’s put in the last several months to improve some of our communication tools, our logo (we have a new logo!), and our FEATURED FARMER calendar. This last one we’re especially excited about as we really want to brag on the impressive farmers that we have here in our region. We’ve struggled with how to do that in the past, but each month this year NGLG will feature a farm or two to help you get to know the farms behind your food. We want you to know these good folks by name, recognize their faces, and have a story to tell about what makes them special.
The Lazy L Ranch up in Rabun County is run by Daphne & Bill Lisenby, one of the newer pastured egg producers in the area. I think you’ll all be struck by the beauty of the view these chickens rise to each morning. Just picture that each morning that you fry up these eggs and you’ll have a beautiful start to your day. Part of the goal of Featured Farmers is for you to get to meet and interact with them directly. This Wednesday, Daphne and Bill will be in Gainesville during the pickup to talk with folks about their farm, their practices, their favorite stories and recipes.
Andrew shot this great video of Lazy L Ranch this winter that really captures the unique feel of the season.
Thanks to the Lisenby’s for their participation in NGLG and for being our first official Featured Farm in 2015!
In other egg news, Sylvan Falls Mills Chocolate Marshmellow Eggs are back! Many of you have heard me brag on these before. Probably my favorite holiday item on the entire market. It’s a reminder that Easter is almost here. And it’ll be gone before you know it. I highly encourage you to try these while you can.
We also have a few specials on eggs bought in bulk this week. So as you’re gearing up for EASTER eggs, think about getting several local dozen at once. And if anyone cooks up a really beautiful Frittatta anytime soon, send us a snapshot and your recipes.
Other items of note this week. Shade Creek Farms has brought back their gorgeous mixed baby carrots. Simply beautiful array of sweet, delicious carrots. They also have strawberry plants for those who would like to grow their own strawberries. And Hakurei Turnips! A favorite.
Veggie Patch has brought on one of my favorite odd vegetables. The kohlrabi. Looks like it’s from Mars, has all the nutrition of a cabbage, but can be substituted for potatoes in lots of dishes. Give it a try.
Leah Lake has Leeks! There’s also swiss Chard from Veggie Patch and Mountain Earth Farms.
Welcome back to Hollman who have a wide array of native plants for sale. Veggie Patch is also selling several dozen types of SEEDLING plants for your garden (don’t get confused these are plants to grow, not veggies to eat).
Then there’s spinach, spinach and more spinach! Don’t take it for granted. Once summer comes, spinach is gone. I always love a spinach salad with a sliced up hardboiled egg. Did anyone else’s mother always make spinach salad that way.
Well that should do it for this week. Put in your order (or an extra order if something we mentioned sounds good). Market is open until 9pm tonight. Help us achieve our highest March sales ever!
Justin, Chuck, Teri and Andrew
Tullahoma Locally Grown: Partners for Healing Fundraiser
The market is open!
Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters has a 1 lb Whole Bean “Healing Grounds” for Partners for Healing. $5 per purchase is donated directly to Partners for Healing, a Tullahoma not-for-profit providing health services to uninsured in Coffee, Franklin and Moore Counties. We source only Fair Trade Organic (FTO) green coffee beans. This means many things to the consumer (you), the coffee farmer and us as a responsible business.
Reminder that Casey Farm is back on the market with milk. Solace Farm has duck eggs and plenty of garlic powder. Frontier Family Farm has more broccoli florets this week. Deep-Set farm has plenty of watercress!
From Dogwood Valley Greenhouse: Spring has come on with such a rush that this will be the last week for daffodil bouquets from Dogwood Valley Greenhouse. We also have several beautiful succulent planters which will be a great table or desk decoration or Easter gift. They can also be moved outside for the frost-free time, from early May until October. What wonderful, cheerful gifts for a friend, or for yourself! Thank you so much.
The market is open Saturday at noon to Wednesday at noon, pickup is Thursday 4:15-6.
Get started here: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market
Joyful Noise Acres Farm: Don't forget to place your orders before 8:00.
Ground lamb meatballs with a large Greek salad and warm Naan bread, slow cooked ribs rubbed with Herbies BBQ seasoning blend served with garlic/cheese mashed potatoes and stuffed eggs,
Roasted chichen leg quarters, kale salad and sweet potato fries are a few menu ideas for the week. Eating fresh on the farm is fun.
If you would like a syrup order form, please send me an e-mail and I will send you one. Orders need to be in by the end of the month.
Don’t forget to get your market orders in before tonight. We will look forward to seeing you on Wedensday.
Mary Beth
Joyful Noise Acres Farm: Don't forget to place your orders before 8:00.
Ground lamb meatballs with a large Greek salad and warm Naan bread, slow cooked ribs rubbed with Herbies BBQ seasoning blend served with garlic/cheese mashed potatoes and stuffed eggs,
Roasted chichen leg quarters, kale salad and sweet potato fries are a few menu ideas for the week. Eating fresh on the farm is fun.
Don’t forget to get your orders in before the market closes. We will look forward to seeing you on Wedensday.
Mary Beth
Athens Locally Grown: ALG Open for March 26
Athens Locally Grown
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
We officially entered Spring this week, and had a few gorgeous days to prove it. I hear that there’s cold weather on the way, though, to give us a reminder of what we’re leaving behind. Our average last frost day isn’t for another few weeks yet, so we’re bound to get some nights below freezing before we really warm up for good. It keeps the growers on their toes, as even the tender cool weather crop seedlings don’t like freezes, and they’ve all got the summer plants started (under protection) too. One cold night and a unpatched hole in a hoophouse can put an end to an entire season of tomatoes, and that makes even a seasoned grower a little nervous.
I did get notice of several spring farm tours happening. Darby Farms in Monroe, one of our pastured meat producers, has four tours and field days lined up between now and June. You can find information about all four of them at his website here: Also, Broad River Pastures in Elberton, another of our meat producers, has an educational day, with tour, scheduled for the afternoon of April 18th. I don’t see specific information about the tour on their website, but you can read about the farm and contact Cathy for more information here:
I expect more farms will be hosting tours and work days as the weather warms up, and I’ll let you know about them all as I hear details. And if you missed hearing about the Old Timey Seed Swap out at Grove Creek Farm on the 4th when I wrote about it a couple weeks ago, you can see that over our market’s blog, here:
Thank you so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you on Thursday at Ben’s Bikes at the corner of Pope and Broad Streets from 4:30 to 8pm!
Other Area Farmers Markets
The Athens Farmers Market has closed for the winter. You can watch for news during the offseason on their website. The other area markets are also all closed for the season, I believe. If you know of any winter markets operating, please let me know. And they might all be closed, but we’ll be here all year round!
All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Conyers Locally Grown: Available for Friday March 27
I hope this finds you all doing well. The market is open and ready for orders. We have a nice selection of fresh grown produce along with plenty of pork and farm fresh eggs. We also have the finest water buffalo and alpaca ready for you to enjoy.
We will see you on Friday between 5-7 at Copy Central (1264 Parker Road)
Thank you for all your support and please remember to share us with a friend.
Thank you,
Brady Bala
Market manager
PS: if you are interested in a BBQ pig for a family function, church event, fund raiser or any other event you may contact Taylorganic or Double B Farm. We both have pigs from 25lbs to 250lbs ready to cook.
Atlanta Locally Grown: Available for Saturday March 28
I hope this finds you all doing well. The market is open and ready for orders. We have a nice selection of fresh grown produce along with plenty of pork and farm fresh eggs. We also have the finest water buffalo and alpaca ready for you to enjoy.
We will see you on Saturday at your selected delivery location; Brookhaven Farmers Market, Piedmont Green market or The Sandy Springs Farmers Market. We will be incontact with you for exact times at each location.
Thank you for all your support and please remember to share us with a friend.
Thank you,
Brady Bala
Market manager
PS: if you are interested in a BBQ pig for a family function, church event, fund raiser or any other event you may contact Taylorganic or Double B Farm. We both have pigs from 25lbs to 250lbs ready to cook.
Green Fork Farmers Market: Weekly Product List
Dear Green Fork Farmers Market Customers,
This Week at the market:
Vegetables—lettuce, spinach, and gourmet salad mix.
*Meat*—chicken, lamb, pork, organ meats, soup bones, and parts for stock.
Eggs—pastured chicken eggs.
Specialty foods—fermented sauerkraut and jalapenos, salsa made from local and organic ingredients, and olives and olive oil directly from the grower in California.
Go ahead and place your order from now until Tuesday at noon. We’ll also have products available for sale at the market on Wednesday from 4-7 pm.
See you then!
Green Fork Farmers Market
Wednesdays 4-7 pm
Indoors, Year Round
At Nightbird Books
205 W. Dickson St.
Fayetteville, AR
To place your order, click on the link below to enter the website. Sign in as a customer, then click on the icon next to each product you wish to order. Proceed to checkout, review the list to make sure it’s correct, then scroll to the bottom and click on Place This Order. Make sure you receive a confirmation email—if you don’t, your order was not processed. Payment is at the market pickup with cash, check, debit/credit card, EBT, and Senior FMNP coupons. Ask about our doubling program for EBT and SFMNP!
Champaign, OH: And, Just Like That...
The Stadlers and the Sugar Shack are back with us!!!
Just sending out the word that Valley View Woodlands is back with us…they are madly and wildly tapping, and hoping for more production as we approach these very cold nights that are coming on…
YAY!!! And…just a quick word about their production from Marc and Shary…
Qur “mid season amber” is based on a grading system, and once again, there was no “early season gold” syrup. In a “normal” year (does one exist anymore?) we would tap mid-February, and the first several boils are light and golden. As we did last year, we zipped right to mid. Still hoping for some “late season dark.”
Yes!! Excited to be back with their amazing products!!
Princeton Farm Fresh: The Market is Open
Compost added, beds tilled, seeds planted, now let the sun begin! I may be rushing it a bit, but we have begun planting in earnest. Hannah has been planting seedlings for weeks, but this weekend we also got the high tunnel planted in spring veggies.
I am ready for Spring, what about you?
See you on Friday,