The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Statesboro Market2Go: Citrus Bingos!
Order before 10 on Tuesday night!
This week we’re highlighting the vivid, sweet, and zesty lemons, limes, and other citrus that are in season and available on Market2Go!
Some recipes that celebrate these locally grown citruses include:
- Chili and Lime Cucumbers, a perfect spicy addition to any appetizer platter
- Mandarin Pecan Salad, made with local greens and nuts, and topped with feta cheese!
- Or if you prefer sweets, consider trying Lemon Blueberry Layer Cake!
Fayetteville Farmers' Market: Reminder Online Ordering Open Until Wed 6 am
Hope you are outside enjoying this gorgeous fall day (though with an earlier sunset)! Sending this reminder out a little early with some changes since yesterday’s email. Orders open until 6 am Wed morning.
A&A added more Pink Lady apples, Magness pears and frozen local peaches.
CIDER AND VINEGAR JUG RETURNS: in the flurry of pickup, we apologize but did not get names of people who dropped off empty, unlabeled and washed cider and vinegar glass jugs. if you returned jugs in the last few weeks, please reply to this message with the number of jugs you returned and your name and we will get the jug return money from the grower and will get it to you next time you order.
Dripping Springs is out of town this week and can’t deliver Thursday but will be back online next week. However, check Chickadee Farm, dH Farm, Rocky Comfort Farm and Sunny Acres for their fresh produce options.
Lots of options for baked goods, jams, salsas, pickles and more.
Order at link below—if you add items to your order, we will put it all together and only charge your card once.
V.I Prime Produce locally Grown: Market open
Good afternoon Prime produce market is now open and accepting orders
V.I Prime Produce locally Grown: Market open
Good afternoon Prime produce market is now open and accepting orders
Siloam Springs, AR: The Online Market is Open!
We have plenty of products on our online market to keep you stocked through the off season! This week we are featuring Opossum Hollow Farms spinach! Great for salads, cooking, or even for smoothies! Pick up for your online orders will be available on Saturday mornings from 9am-10:30am in the Moss House. See you this Saturday!
Frontier Farms: A little warmer weather is in store
Hope everyone had a great weekend. broccoli an Brussels are looking good.
Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market: This Week at the Market
The holidays are upon us!
I took doen the Halloween decor and brought out the Christmas boxes to start spreading holiday joy on the farm! I love this time of year, and having a grandchild (and one due around Christmas!) makes it so much better!I’ve added our holiday items for preview only so you can plan ahead.
I am changing up my schedule a bit this month to accomodate for preparing all the goodies.
Market days will be as follows:
- This week – normal – order M-W for Saturday pick up.
- 11/13-15 No Market – Special orders available
- 11/15 – 11/19 – Ordering opens for Thanksgiving Market – Pick up Wednesday 11/22
Have a grest week!
Farmher Chef Amy
Foothills Market: The Market is Open!
Foothills Market is open for a new week of providing you with fresh, local food.
Browse the market between now and 5:00 p.m. Wednesday and place your order for pickup on Thursday.
Eat something fresh this week!
Fayetteville Farmers' Market: Online Orders NOW OPEN
Online ordering is now open!!! Closing is at 6am on Wed morning. A great way to get your market items early for the weekend.
Order at:
Pink Lady apples are available this week from A&A.
Chickadee Farm has Cherokee purple tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green peppers, and new this week are purple sweet potatoes.
Apples and apple cider available if you are craving fruit.
Sunny Acres and Dripping Springs have a variety of products in our vegetable category.
Charlies Vegetables has an amazing array of pickled items, fruit butters, jams and jellies that she has made from her own garden.
Other vegies available this week include: garlic, chard, green and colored peppers, spicy peppers, arugula, chard, greens mixes, lettuce mixes, radishes, turnips, parsley, kale, sweet potatoes, onions, carrots, radishes, turnips and more. Basil, parsley, rosemary and baby ginger also available.
OTHER GOOD THINGS AVAILABLE: eggs, meats, baked goods, honey, locally made food products, craft items, and other goodies.
PICKUP TIME THURSDAY November 9 is 4:30-5:30. Note: if you already know that you cannot make it by 5:30 pm Thursday and you want to order this week, just reply to this email or text 479-935-5111 and we will work with you on a plan.
Our online market offers some great ideas for gift giving: handcrafted leather goods, locally sewn fabric items, art prints and more!
Our bakers have sweet treats, pastries, breads, granola and other goodies.
Special dietary needs? Check out our vegan and gluten free and dairy free baked goods from Eureka Vegan, Bartleby’s and Cake Theory. We speak from personal experience that all of these items are delicious and would please anyone no matter what their dietary needs are.
A UNIQUE GIFT: how about a certificate for local knife sharpening services? Can be redeemed at a local drop off location.
SEARCHING TIP: On large categories such as baked goods or meats click on the category to get a drop down of specific items in that category.
HOW TO CHECK ITEMS FROM A PARTICULAR SELLER? Scroll down on left side until you see “show specific growers”. If all the boxes are checked, you can click on “reverse all” then click the boxes on or off of those sellers you want to see. Then click “show specific growers” again.
BUYING TIP: If you see items that you want but not much available, order and pay and then log back in and continue shopping. Your orders will be combined and you will only be charged once.
SNAP CUSTOMERS ONLY: you may choose pay at pickup and bring your EBT card on Thursday. We will swipe your card and match up to $100 of your order. NOTE: please do not bring tokens or match cards to pickup at the online market.
NOTE: New customers and orders always welcome—no minimum order required, no weekly order required.
1) Sellers sometimes add more products later in the ordering period, so be sure to check back. The product list changes each week, even from the same seller, so it’s worth exploring the categories you are interested in.
2) Multiple orders from you at different times will be automatically combined into one order before pickup and you will only be charged once.
The OUTDOOR parking area at the south end of the new part of the Fayetteville Public Library. Follow the line of cars towards the building and stay in your car in line while we get your order.
Thank you for your continued support of the online market.
Reply to this email if you have questions
Russellville Community Market: 11/5/23 closing

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.
Shop before 10 PM for great deals and new items and remember to check out the extras table when you pick up your order from 4-7 PM on Tuesday!

RCM is packed with tasty deals this week!! We are very excited to have delicious Ralston Family Farms rice available for our customers! In addition to their amazing rice varieties, don’t forget to try their new rice grits! RCM is also glad to have Cecilia and Otis back with her lovely sourdough and new scones. Pleasant View has classic dinner rolls for your family meals and Victoria’s Little Bread House has a selection of great focaccia flavors, scones, cinnamon rolls and her amazing sandwich bread! Check out Kourtney’s Rice Krispy treats, Kaitlin’s filled cookies, or Connor’s Lemon loaf! Sweet or savory, our baked goods category is sure to have something that satisfies! Hoof Hollow Hobbies has plenty of fresh turnip greens, Connor has green tomatoes and eggplant and Pleasant View has Bok Choy. Pine Ridge Gardens has lovely herb plants found under live plants as well as fresh seasonings like curry sprigs, fresh bay leaves or turmeric in the fresh herbs and spices category. Porch Swing Farms has great spiral sliced hams ready for holiday dinners, Bluff Top has bone-in pork chops and R&D has roasts and jerky beef! If you need chicken, just ask an RCM helper! We have a selection of extra Christal Fields chicken at the Depot! Drewry Farms and Orchard re-stocked their apples this morning and they have lots of eggs available this week! Their winter squash box is still on sale and there are plenty of beautiful and tasty pumpkins, too! McAnulty Mercantile has four flavors of granola and some tasty seasonings and Goody Gang added fruit flowers this week! Let B&B Legacy’s soybeans provide a healthy choice for your meals with their versatile dry soybeans. Shop RCM first for the best groceries you can get in the River Valley! Save the date for our holiday market in the Central Presbyterian Church on December 5th!
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
REMINDER- We can no longer accept credit or debit cards. We will still be able to process cash, checks and SNAP/EBT transactions.
Check back frequently as our farmers regularly update what they have available. Multiple orders are encouraged. :)
Russellville Community Market